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Donations are received and donation accounts are set up on the understanding that the monies are charitable funds which belong to the University, not to an individual . While the Head of Institution may place funds at the disposal of an individual, the funds remain the property of the University.

Heads of Institutions may accept single gifts of up to £100,000 under authority delegated by the Vice-Chancellor, unless they have a personal interest in the potential donation e.g. it is to support their own post or research programmes. In these instances they must notify the Director of Development and Alumni of this potential conflict of interest at the earliest possible stage.

Heads of Institutions are therefore responsible for ensuring that all the procedures and ethical guidelines (as detailed in the Procedures for Handling Donations) are implemented. Where donations are accepted it is important that CUDAR be notified so that it can be recorded centrally so that donors aggregate is monitored and to ensure that donors receive the correct level of recognition for their support.

Gifts above £100,000 must be formally accepted by the Vice-Chancellor.

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