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The Anti-Bribery Policy is a key area of concern for the Audit Committee because non-compliance could result in prosecution of the University for failure to prevent bribery, including, in extreme cases, prosecution of senior managers. The Bribery Act 2010 is not just limited to financial transactions but is about receiving or giving any unlawful advantage.

Our online course guides you through the scope of the Bribery Act and Criminal Finances Act and highlights some of the situations that you should be aware of.

Getting started

To access the course on Moodle click here

Who should complete the course?

The Audit Committee recommends that all staff be encouraged to complete this and that the training be mandatory for all staff designated at a higher risk of exposure to bribery i.e.

  • hold any kind of management role (e.g. all principal investigators) and/or have the authority to incur any level of expenditure
  • have international dealings of any kind, but particularly in emerging markets or areas of the world where risk of corruption is higher
  • work with contractors
  • contract on behalf of CUTS
  • are involved at any level in a decision to contract, i.e. to offer or receive goods, services, donations or research grants or contracts
  • involved in procurement at any level.

The above applies to individuals working within the University at all levels and grades, including officers, employees (whether permanent, fixed-term or temporary), workers, trainees, seconded staff, agency staff, volunteers, interns or any other person working in any context within the institution.  Third parties must confirm in their contracts with the University that they have undertaken their own, equivalent, training. 

How often should the course be taken?

The course should take around 25 minutes to complete (followed by a mandatory knowledge check) and should be completed every two years. New staff should complete the training in their first few months.


A burst report will be sent to designated contacts within the department on or around the 10th of each month. The report lists department users who have sucessfully completed the following courses:

  • Anti-Bribery and Corruption
  • Modern Slavery Act
  • PCI Compliance

To add someone to the distribution list, CUFS Key Contacts will need to email

Additionally, CUFS key contacts can access a simple report to see who in their department has successfully completed the Bribery Act online course.

or you can follow the interactive How-To guide on how to download this report.

Key Contacts should have access to this, if you appear to not have access to these reports, please email referring to UTBS institution reporting.


  • To provide a broad overview of the Bribery Act and Criminal Finances Act.
  • To understand the offences set out in the Acts, as well as possible defences.
  • To understand what the University needs to do to comply with the requirements of the Acts.
  • To be aware of further relevant sources of information.

System requirements

The course is available on the University's Moodle system. You will be prompted for your RAVEN password.

The web-based course can be accessed from the following devices with the latest browser versions:

  • PC
  • Mac
  • Tablets
  • Smart Phones

Raven Login

Some items on this website are restricted. University members are encouraged to log in using Raven to make the best use of the site:
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