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In accordance with Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, the University is required to prepare an anti-slavery and anti-trafficking statement for each financial year, setting out what steps it has taken to ensure that modern slavery is not taking place in its business or supply chains. See: University’s Anti-slavery and Anti-trafficking statement and policy.

University policy

The University is committed to a zero tolerance approach to modern slavery and to acting with integrity in all its dealings, relationships, and supply chains. It expects the same high standards from all its staff, suppliers, contractors, and those with whom it does business. This policy applies to all employees, workers, consultants, and other persons doing business with the University including all its wholly owned companies, contractors, and suppliers.

Supplier set-up

In support of the University Council policy - Anti-slavery and anti-trafficking statement and policy, it is a requirement within the new Online Supplier Search and request Database, for departments to seek confirmation that our suppliers conform to the Anti-slavery and Anti-trafficking policy.

Compliance Statement

From September 2018 all requests to set up, amend or reactivate a supplier will require written confirmation from the supplier that they comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. The confirmation needs to be attached to the online request.

A supporting document outlines the basic policy, provides guidance on what is required from departments and includes a ‘Modern Slavery Supplier Compliance Statement’ that suppliers are required to sign and return.

Procurement Services

If the purchase is part of a formal tender/procurement process in conjunction with Procurement Services (Finance Division) then no further confirmation is required as compliance is part of that process. The relevant section of the signed contract should be attached to the online request.

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