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A.    Policy statement

  1. This document sets out the policy and principles to ensure the use of University credit cards is compliant with the University Financial Regulations and the Policy against Bribery and Corruption, which covers fraud.

B.    Scope

  1. The policy applies to all University credit card holders, and those involved with their administration and oversight.
  2. The policy covers all activities related to the use of the University credit card.

C.    Principles

  1. Purchases must be made through standard purchasing channels and credit cards used only where this is not possible.
  2. In line with the Employees Expenses Policy, costs may only be charged to University credit cards that have been pre-approved and are incurred wholly, exclusively and necessarily in the course of University business.
  3. Only authorised individuals are allowed to use the University credit card.
  4. All transactions must be supported by a sufficiently detailed business purpose and a receipt or invoice.
  5. Claims must be submitted, coded, and approved in a timely manner, and no later than 15 calendar days after the statement date.

D.    Classification of University credit cards

  1. There are two classes of University credit cards, which are defined by their usage.

Individual cards

Issued to a staff member for their travel and other business expenses, in line with the Employees Expenses policy. The expenses must be directly attributed to the card holder’s business activities. 

Institution cards

Issued to a staff member to cover Institution expenses. To be used for the specific purposes agreed at the time of applying for the card, and where the standard procurement process is not suitable. For example, where suppliers only accept online payments.

E.    Application of the credit card policy

  1. All credit card transactions must be accounted for in Concur unless there is prior agreement with Head of Accounting Services.
  2. Pre-approval of credit card usage must be obtained from the HoI or delegated person. This can be agreed informally or understood based on the role of card holder.
  3. The card holder will be liable for any unapproved expenses, for example, claims that are not valid under this policy. Any unauthorised or non-business expenditure must be reimbursed within seven days of the credit card statement date. If the debt remains outstanding, it may be recovered from the cardholder’s net pay.
  4. Any deviations from this policy must be authorised by the Head of Accounting Services. A record of the extenuating circumstances must be kept for audit purposes.
  5. This policy is non-contractual and therefore can be withdrawn or modified at any time.

F.    Non-compliance and withdrawal of credit card facility

  1. Failure to adhere to this policy, including the delayed submission of claims, may result in the card being withdrawn and the card holder having to reimburse the University for all outstanding expenditure.
  2. Cardholders with unreceipted transactions which are older than three months will have their corporate card facility suspended until the account is brought up to date.
  3. Repeated failures to comply with this policy will result in the withdrawal of the facility.
  4. The Finance Division reserves the right to suspend or cancel cards at any time.
  5. Serious and intentional breaches of this policy may result in disciplinary action and could be considered fraudulent.

G.    Roles and responsibilities

  1. The owner of this Policy is the Head of Accounting Services, Finance Division.
  2. All credit card applicants, holders, and card administrators must complete the online course: Modern Slavery Act.
Role Responsibilities
Head, Accounting Services Disseminates the policy and any updates to all Head of Institutions (HoI), institution finance teams and card holders, and reviews this Policy (at least every three years).
Head of Institution
  • Ensures that the cards are issued appropriately, used for the purpose intended, with strong controls in place, and there is strict compliance with Employee Expenses policy.
  • Appoints a named person or team to check that receipts are provided promptly; the expenditure is being reviewed and that it complies with all University policies.
Institution finance team or individual responsible for financial matters
  • Ensures the policy and procedures are adhered to and the strong controls followed.
  • Challenges inappropriate spend.
  • Checks card holders are aware of their responsibilities and that the card usage does not circumvent purchasing rules.
  • Confirms that transactions are not approved by an employee who reports to the cardholder.
  • Maintains a list of cardholders with credit limits, monitors changes in roles, and ensures all leavers’ cards are destroyed, and Accounting Services notified.
  • Verifies that all credit card transactions have been accurately coded and approved in Concur. This includes applying the VAT classification and ensuring receipts have been captured.
  • Records adequate information to facilitate the completion of the P11D return.
  • Escalates any issues to the Head of Institution.
Card expenditure approver
  • Approves claims in Concur promptly, and at least within ten days of the claim submission by the card holder, ensuring receipts have been captured.
  • Checks all spend is eligible under the University’s policies and procedures, or that any spend outside the card’s intended purpose or limit was pre-approved.
  • Ensures all transactions made with the card are wholly, exclusively, and necessary in the performance of their duties for the benefit of the University of Cambridge. The card must only be used for items that would be purchased as part of the normal work responsibilities. 
  • Abides by the terms and conditions set out in the Employee Expenses policy.
  • Provides detailed business purpose for the spend and sufficient supporting documentation of expenditure.
  • Uploads receipts and completes expense lines, unless delegated.
  • Submits claims within 15 calendar days of the end of the month (statement date) in which the expenditure is incurred.
  • Checks statement and reports any unrecognised transactions to Accounting Services, Finance Division, within 15 calendar days of statement date.
Cardholder’s delegate Checks and uploads receipts as required, completes details of expense lines, with reference to the University’s policies, without delay. Informs cardholder that the claim is ready for submission.

H.    Related documents and further guidance

  1. This policy aligns with the following policies and procedures: 

The information is not repeated, and the onus is on anyone holding a University credit card or involved in their administration to familiarise themselves with the above content.

  1. Guidance and training on the accounting processes in Concur are available from the Expenses Hub.

I.    Contacts

In the first instance, contact the Credit card helpdesk: University credit card administrator. For out of hours assistance, the Barclaycard contacts are:

  • Barclaycard Customer Services 0800 008 008, Overseas +44 1604 269452
  • Barclaycard Fraud Team 0333 200 9090, Overseas +44 1452 828309

For any queries regarding the Policy, email


Effective date of this Policy: 1 Feb 2025
Approved by Council: 9 Jan 2025
Date of next review: Jan 2027

Latest version 24 January 2025

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