All research projects need to have a contract.
Where the University accepts a funding body’s standard terms and conditions eg. a Research Council’s, there is no need for negotiations to take place as such terms are widely accepted. Where the funder’s standard terms are not acceptable the University will negotiate to ensure the contract reflects the needs of the Principal Investigator as well as those of the University, any research partners and funding bodies.
For contracts with funding bodies that have negotiable terms, such as industrial sponsors, it is essential that the project is properly costed so that a decision can be taken on the price to charge the sponsor. The Departmental Administrator (or equivalent) and the Contracts Manager (see below) should be involved as early as possible in the process and can provide help and advice on costing and pricing.
Credit control should be contacted to discuss payment terms to perform a credit check on industrial sponsors not previously used.
Each University Department has a Contracts Manager within their School Team in the Research Operations Office. The Contracts Managers use a number of model agreements depending on the type of research programme and will tailor them as necessary to suit the project. The Research Operations Office also helps with other contracts such as Studentship Agreements, Confidential Disclosure Agreements (CDAs) and Materials Transfer Agreements (MTAs).