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The table below details those activities and sources of funds for which budgets are not created in UFS, unless your Finance Business Partner/Institution Finance Manager tells you otherwise. These activities are monitored by comparing Actual expenditure to Actual income.

SoF Code SoF Name Main Usage
0*** Balance Sheet Petty cash, key deposits, money on deposit, Debtors, Creditors
B*** Funded from External Sources Recoverable costs and related income
C*** Funded from University Sources This SoF is used for historic reasons
EA** to EE** and F*** Specific Reserves Monies are given for a specific purpose. Income cannot be moved from these Source of Funds (SoF)
EF00 to EZZZ General Donations Expenditure can be charged here but income cannot be moved
GAAA External Trading For trading with customers outside the University
GAAB Internal Trading Trading between institutions within Cambridge University
GB** Other Trading Income & RTSG Research Training Support Grants, college support
H*** Donations Donations with specific criteria for their use
J*** OfS or UKRI Initiatives Income from OfS or UKRI for specific purposes e.g. capital projects
K - Permanent Trust Funds Permanent These have to be legally established. The capital funds cannot be spent, only the income earned
K - Spendable Trust Funds Spendable Both the capital and the income on these funds are available to spend but must be spent specifically as the trust fund states
M*** Research All research grant activity is detailed in the Grants module and then summarised in the GL using the M source of funds range
P*** Buildings Used and controlled by EM
Z*** Depreciation Processed centrally by the Finance Division, little impact on institutional accounts

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