If every effort has been made to contact the customer, including a previous referral to the Credit Control team for support, the next step is to decide if an external debt collection agency is to be used. Where appropriate, the Credit Control team will refer the most problematic debts to our third-party debt collection agency.
The suitability of debt recovery and any reputational risks to the institution and University must always be considered.
Before Credit Control will refer a case to the agency, or consider legal action, you must review the case fully and be able to demonstrate that it is:
Debt Status | Requirement for recovery |
Provable | There is a contractual agreement (under the correct customer name or legal entity). This could be a contract, PO, quotation. |
Valid | We have provided the agreed goods or services, and it is owed to the University of Cambridge. Confirmation of delivery of goods or services must be available. |
Evidenced |
Evidence must be provided of previous collection attempts, that is the Debtor was formally made aware of their obligations and consequences of non-payment. Credit Control would also need to receive as much information as possible from the institution regarding the debtor’s full contact details, including DOB & NI number if an individual. |
Based on the above, if Credit Control support the case, it will be referred to the third-party debt collection. However, if it is not supported, Credit Control will seek further clarification with the institution.
Credit Control will discuss any charges with the institution before proceeding. Any monies recovered will be used to clear or reduce the debt owed. The institution is liable for the related agency commission for any debt recovered.
In the event the agent is unsuccessful, the next option is to consider legal recovery.
Latest version 17 April 2024.