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Time limits

Submission of Starting Certificates provides official notification to the sponsor of the start date. Not all sponsors require starting certificates. Each of the relevant sponsors has its own time limits within which the grant must be started. These are as follows.

 Within 3 months of the award letter or announced start date  All Research Councils
 Within 12 months of the award letter date  Wellcome Trust

Departments are responsible for the submission of starting certificates within the specified time frame outlined by the sponsor.

It is important to note that these sponsors may withdraw an award if the Starting Certificate is submitted late



The Research Operations Office will send the starting certificate to the departmental administrator as soon as the award letter is received and the grant has been activated. The department is advised to fill in the certificate at the same time as completing the HR / Payroll forms and then send the certificate off when the staff member starts. A copy of the certificate must be sent to The Research Operations Office in order for the start and end dates to be amended on UFS.


Where time limits cannot be met

If these rules cannot be adhered to for any reason, the Department/Principal Investigator should contact the sponsor immediately to ask if the start date can be delayed. In this instance please copy any relevant documents to your Finance Analyst - Research and Grants to help mitigate the risk of the grant being withdrawn.

The University will not be able to provide any financial assistance to departments if contracts of employment have been issued against a grant that has been withdrawn.

If there are any significant changes to the staff employed on a Research Council grant such as maternity leave/sick leave or a change to the Principal Investigator the sponsor needs to be informed. Departments can either do that themselves and copy in the Research Operations Office or contact their Finance Analyst - Research and Grants in their Research Operations Office School Team who will inform the sponsor.   

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