Q. How do I reset my passphrase in CUFS?
Guidance for resetting your CUFS passphrase can be found in the Re-setting your passphrase in CUFS
Q. I'm getting the following error message "Unable to Authenticate Session". What should I do?
UFS does not like to be open with any other windows or previous sessions of UFS. Close down your browser and reopen, and make sure you only try and open once instance of UFS at a time.
Q. I'm getting an "Application" / "General Exception" error when trying to open CUFS forms
If you receive an application error after selecting a forms function from the navigator you may need to clear your Java cache
Q. I'm getting the following message "You are trying to access a page that is no longer active. The referring page may have come from a previous session. Please select Home to proceed."
The Helpdesk are often contacted regarding this error message when attempting to log in to CUFS as users think this it is an account problem when it is actually a caching issue. Users are advised to clear their browser's cache.
Help to do this can be found here: How to clear your browser's cache
If the problem persists please email UFS_enquiries
Further UFS technical help can be found on the UFS website.
Q. I cannot open output from CUFS, or my output is a strange text file
Both the Edge and Chrome browsers push frequent updates to users that change background settings, this can impact your ability to view PDF or Excel output from CUFS.