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The Purchasing module (which includes iProcurement) is used to create purchase orders (POs) on UFS. This in turn creates a commitment. When the order is matched to an invoice, this becomes an actual expense.

PO module closes at 5pm on Wednesday 7 August

Tasks required

Final date for completion

Run and review the Excel version of the Open Purchase Order Report

Wed 31 Jul

Run and review Purchasing Requisition Status report

Wed 31 Jul

Action remaining items on the DTH (Deliver to Home) Order Report

Wed 7 Aug

Action remaining items on the Open Purchase Orders Report

Wed 7 Aug

Action all incomplete POs

Wed 7 Aug

Action incomplete requisitions or those not converted into POs

Wed 7 Aug

Finally close Call off orders for 2023/24 financial year (Refer to guidelines)

Wed 7 Aug

NB: These actions are not time dependant and can be completed well in advance of the module close.

 Finance Division key dates for information

Key Date

 Updated DTH report for year end final review run

Thu 1 Aug

 Jul-24 Purchasing Period closed

Wed 7 Aug


In case of queries please contact the iProcurement Helpdesk
Tel. 32233 or email


On this page


Run and review the Open Purchase Orders Report - Excel Version (UFS)

This report lists all the PO lines that have not been fully completed, received or fully matched to an invoice. It assists in identifying goods needing to be receipted in the system, and POs or order lines requiring to be cancelled or finally closed. It also provides useful information regarding funds checking and commitments. After running the report, review the outcome and identify the actions needed, as detailed below. Pay particular attention to older transactions and those coded against research grants.


Deliver to Home (DTH) orders

Any orders raised for home deliveries using the University-wide Deliver-to code DTH are excluded from institutions’ standard Open Purchase Order Reports. Instead, relevant institutional Key Contacts have been emailed a link to a summary of these orders for their institution which is updated at the end of January (for the first 6 months) and 1 August (for the second 6 months). This summary needs to be checked and followed up, particularly to ensure the open orders are receipted as soon as possible, as part of the year end essential tasks. If you require this link, please contact

Open DTH orders should be actioned in same way as any other orders, see next section.

Action the Open Purchase Order Report/DTH Summary Report

This report lists orders not fully receipted or invoiced, and it can be scheduled. Use the Excel version, and filter on status. Although it is recommended that the report be run monthly, in the run up to the year end it is particularly important to establish whether orders need to be receipted so the invoice can be paid, or if applicable, the order finally closed. Finally closing a PO removes the fund commitment but should only be used after all other options exhausted. e-Invoiced orders should never be finally closed. As orders/order lines can only be cancelled if items have NOT been receipted, it is advisable to check the receipt status by using the View receipts function in the Buyers Work Centre (BWC).


Open PO Report Actions

Select and open item from list

Check whether item(s) received. (If yes, receipt in CUFS.)

Review items with status Closed for Receiving

  • Establish if an invoice has been received.
    • If not, follow up with suppliers, unless the order is recent. The items must be invoiced before AP closes.
    • Has the invoice been paid separately, i.e. not matched to order?
      If so, Finally Close the order. The related requisition will automatically be closed. Do not finally close invoices from e-invoice Suppliers.

Review items with status Closed for Invoicing

  • Establish if items delivered but not receipted
    • If yes, complete receipting process, especially in respect of e-invoices
    • Where it cannot be determined that items were received e.g. the requester has left the organisation and the supplier cannot confirm delivery, the order should be finally closed. Do not finally close purchase orders from e-invoice suppliers if the invoice is still outstanding.

Review items with status Open

  • If the items were recently ordered

No action required

  • Open and approved BUT items no longer required or undeliverable

Cancel PO or relevant PO lines, and let the supplier know.

  • Open and approved AND some items received and partially matched to invoice, BUT still has lines/amounts outstanding

If the goods/services are not going to be received, the unmatched lines must be finally closed.

  • Open but NOT approved, i.e. status is incomplete

Must be cleared

  • If items are required: approve or forward order for approval
  • If items are not required: Cancel order.

In order to cancel, first approve. Be careful if marketplace supplier site. Change to any other address for that supplier before approving, then cancel. Use Justification field to give reason, e.g. duplicate order


NB: Do not finally close any order awaiting an e-invoice.
For a list of e-Invoicing suppliers, refer to the Finance website. 


Run and Review the Purchasing Requisition Status Report

Available in UFS from the Buyers Work Centre, the Purchasing Requisition Status Report lists requisitions that may require an action.
Any requisitions raised in error or no longer required must be cancelled. This must be done by the requisitioner who initiated it. If this person is no longer working in the institution, contact the UFS Helpdesk. Incomplete requisitions include any that have not been converted into POs.


Finally close call off orders against GL funds

For purchases such as contracts, planned orders and scheduled releases, the institution may have raised what are termed as Call Off orders. These need to be finally closed, and a new order raised for the next financial year. Notify the supplier of the new order number when you action the first call off of the current financial year


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