In this section:
Cardholder records
Change of Address
Unrecognised transactions
Lost or Stolen
Leaving employment
Cardholder records
Departments should keep an up to date list of all its cardholders and their credit limits. A regular review of this list should take place to determine the necessity of each card held and a justification of limits is to be given to the Finance Division upon request.
Change of address
The cardholder or their representative (e.g. Department Administrator) must contact the Accounts Payable Team, Finance Division to notify Barclaycard of any address changes.
Unrecognised transactions
The cardholder is responsible for all entries appearing on their statement. If an unrecognised transaction appears, the cardholder must directly contact the credit card service provider, within in 28 days, using their fraud claim form.
Barclaycard Customer Services 0800 008008 |
On receipt, Barclaycard credits the amount and issue a new card to the cardholder. Alternatively contact the AP helpdesk who will cancel the card and forward the form. The University credit card administrator must be advised of any issues, as well as the Institution Head or administrator.
Lost or stolen cards
The card is to remain in the possession of the cardholder at all times or alternatively be kept in a suitable safe within the department. In the event of the card being lost or stolen, cardholders must immediately contact Barclaycard, either online or using the phone numbers given above.
Lost or stolen cards must be reported to the University credit card administrator and your Institution Head or administrator. Replacement cards are sent to the cardholder’s home address.
Leaving employment
The cardholder must return the credit card to the Institution Head/ Administrator when:
• Submitting notice of resignation, or
• No later than one month prior to the final date of employment.
The cardholder must ensure all credit card expense forms have been submitted, agreed and any queries are cleared before they leave.
The department must destroy the card, cancel any continuous subscriptions (with the relevant supplier) that may possibly be charged to the card at a later date and notify the AP helpdesk who, in turn, will instruct the credit card provider to cancel the card.