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Completed  Action
  Check each transaction has supporting documentation.
  Authorise the credit card expense transactions on Concur to verify the expenditure has been incurred exclusively in the proper performance of duties and complies with the University’s Finance Regulations and the University’s Credit Card Procedures.
  Check that the correct rates for travel and subsistence have been adhered to.
  Ensure the University’s Purchasing Policy has been followed and documentation is attached in support.
  Ensure all transactions have been submitted in Concur for previous months.
  Where a single department credit card is used, ensure there is segregation of duties in operation.
  Confirm that transactions are approved by an appropriate member of staff (one that does not report to the cardholder)
  Review credit limits.
  Update list of cardholders/details as required.
  If VAT has been levied on goods purchased, consult the Tax Department to determine if it is reclaimable.
  If Services Tax is applicable, consult the Tax Section.
  Record in Concur any potential taxable benefits (P11D).
  Ensure the card is destroyed and Finance Division is notified should the employee leave (no later than one month before leaving date).
  Ensure all credit card queries have been resolved prior to an employee leaving.

or further guidance on procedures, refer to the Expenses Hub/UFS helpdesk.

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